

Born in Shenzhen in 2000 and raised in Hong Kong, Hongrui (Henry) Liu moved to London in 2016 to pursue a career in the arts. In 2021, he enrolled in the Fine Art program at Central Saint Martins, where he experimented with essay films on existentialist theory, exploring Heidegger and Sartre’s ideas alongside sound art, drawing, and painting. Following this period of experimentation. He transitioned to the Contemporary Art Practice (MA) program at the Royal College of Art, developing a more methodical approach anchoring on materiality and representation. During this time, he experimented with animation and produced multiple digital drawings and paintings that engage the dangers and possibilities of advancing technology. Over the past two years, Liu’s focus has shifted toward painting—a site where philosophy, expression, and materiality converge.

Liu’s painting practice is deeply personal, yet deliberately open to broader human resonances. He believes in the shared power of intimacy and originality: by drawing on his own lived experiences, he taps into emotions and memories that echo through collective consciousness. Painting thus becomes a mode of transforming individual reveries into communal points of reflection, weaving elements of Eastern aesthetics and cultural memory with Western techniques. Each layer of paint resonates with the accumulation of both personal histories and collective narratives, suggesting that memories never exist in isolation but rather circulate within wider social and cultural frameworks.

For Liu, painting is both an existential gesture and a philosophical process—a catharsis that channels accumulated impressions, whether pictorial or sensorial, from dreamlike states into tangible form. The construction of each work mirrors the layering of memory: images emerge and recede, shaped by time, reflection, and lived experience. In this interplay of light and color, the poetic emerges from the everyday, revealing subtleties that might otherwise remain hidden. The result is a visual field where intimate recollections coalesce with shared cultural echoes—an invitation to pause, remember, and perhaps even rediscover common ground.

Ultimately, Liu’s practice aims to heal, to foster aesthetic positivity, and to offer a moment of contemplative calm in a society often governed by accelerated production and capital forces. By linking personal memory with collective experience, his paintings strive to create a space where viewers can connect with their own interior landscapes. In this ongoing dialogue between self, culture, and community, Liu continues to expand the possibilities of painting as a conduit for both personal and collective memory—an art form that resonates across boundaries and speaks to the shared human condition.

2000年出生於深圳,在香港長大,劉泓睿(Henry Liu)於2016年移居倫敦,追求藝術事業。2021年,他進入中央聖馬丁藝術學院(Central Saint Martins)攻讀純藝術專業,在此期間,他透過實驗性影像探討存在主義理論,將海德格爾與薩特的思想融入聲音藝術、繪畫和素描之中。經過一段時間的探索,他轉入皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)當代藝術實踐(MA)課程,在此基礎上發展出更為系統化的方法,並將關注點聚焦於物質性與再現之間的關係。在這段時期,他嘗試動畫創作,並製作多幅數位繪畫與數位畫作,探討科技進步所帶來的風險與可能性。





Selected exhibitions

spndrft @ Artsect Gallery, London (2021)

I Spoke to Them @ Safehouse 1, London (2021)

Dialogue with Aeolus (Film Screening) @ International Curators Forum, Diaspora Pavilion 2, London, (2022)

CAP x Tate Modern Lates @ Tate Modern, London (2023)

Art Composition 藝構, Bravo Arts, Shenzhen, China (2023) 

Ephmeral Radicals, Greatorex Street, London, UK. 2024

Past Performances

Tonal @ Animato Audio, Hong Kong (2020)

Contact @ Dyson Building, RCA, London (2022)

Recombinator @ Staffordshire St Gallery, London (2023)