2020, Oil on Canvas, 150x110cm
Through this oil painting, I attempt to convey my view on society. The advent of technology has facilitated more direct and rapid communication among individuals in contemporary society. Yet, does this swift convenience of technology truly bring our souls closer together? In (Untitled, 2020) I express the fluidity of societal interactions through smooth, water-like brushstrokes. Individuals can live within society as fluidly as water, maintaining clear and transparent relationships with others, or they may exist like oil, lacking both flow and permeability. Through my use of colour, I articulate a saturated desire nurtured within the cityscape—sometimes overly saturated, at other times subdued. Each person's inner world reveals a spectrum of different colours. With my lines, I aim to illustrate how every choice and decision creates ripples, intersecting and overlapping the paths of those who dwell in the city. These collisions of souls paint intriguing colors and lines in our lives. Before I started this painting, I contracted COVID-19, resulting in a month-long hospital stay. This period of confinement prompted a deep introspection, serving as the genesis for this piece.
通過這幅油畫我試圖表達自己對社會的看法。當代社會因為科技的發展使得人與人之間的交流更直接和迅速。這種科技的快捷是否真的可以把人們的靈魂拉近?我通過流暢,水性的筆觸表達社會的流通性。人在社會裡可以活的像水一流暢,和旁人有著乾淨透徹的關係, 或者是一種缺乏流動性和滲透性的油性存在。通過顏色我表達著著城市裡養育出的一種飽和的慾望。有時可能過度飽和,有時冷靜。每一個人的內心都展現著不同的顏色。通過線條我想表現人們的每一個選擇和決定都會產生涟漪,讓我們生活在城市裡的人的道路重疊和交接。這種靈魂的碰撞在我們生命中造成有趣的色彩和線條。這幅畫開筆之前我得了新冠,導致在醫院裡住院一個月,這一個月的緊閉使我對自我內心的反思算是這幅畫的源起。