Hongrui Liu   劉泓睿


Giant Sunflowers, Oil on canvas, 1x1m, 2024

Spiritually speaking, Giant Sunflowers was made with a heavy  heart inreflection to the disastrous events in Ukraine and  Palestine. l chose to portraysunflowers as to me, it symbolises  hope, and the will to reach for the greatergood. 
l think all this is important that the artwork stands with a positive aura. 

On the technical execution, lintended to focus on the vicissitudes  of coloursand layers. delicately adjusting opacity and lightness. 

l want to portray aninfinite deepness and richness by mixing the  background and foregroundwhilst remaining flat. This interrelation and correspondence is a style that lhave been  developing in my other works as well.

 從精神層面來說,《巨大的向日葵》是在對烏克蘭和巴勒斯坦的災難性事件進  行反思時,懷著沉重的心情創作的。我選擇描繪向日葵,因為對我來說,它象徵著希望,以及追求更高善良的意志。我認為,讓這件作品展現積極的氛  圍非常重要。
